Episode 7 Intimate relationships -10 Ways the Covid Response Harmed Society
Series Playlist
Lockdowns increased child abuse and maltreatment and emotional and sexual domestic violence. While precise data is lacking, many millions of additional excess cases likely occurred worldwide. Intimate family, sibling and romantic relationships also experienced significant stress, with a widening of gender inequality. The number of forced and child marriages and unwanted pregnancies also appear to have risen. Female sexual activity reduced significantly in 2020 and temporary birth rate declines occurred in high-income countries.

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About the Author

Kevin Bardosh is the Director of Collateral Global, a UK-based charity dedicated to researching the global impacts of Covid-19 policy responses and helping the world better balance societal trade-offs during future health emergencies. He has worked in more than 20 countries on infectious disease control programs (including Ebola and Zika), authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and edited two books. He is currently an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health, University of Washington USA and an Honorary Lecturer at the Edinburgh Medical School, University of Edinburgh UK.
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