CG Newsletters

Week One Newsletter

Welcome to the new Collateral Global website! We are happy you’re here.

Welcome to the new Collateral Global website! We are happy you’re here.

The underlying mission of Collateral Global is to openly evaluate COVID-19 related public health measures, including their second- and third-order effects.

Each week, we invite subject matter experts and people whose lives were affected by pandemic policies to share their knowledge and experience, and we publish their contributions as original content.

We aim to be honest, compassionate, and evidence-based in our analysis and intend to make space for all viewpoints.

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Here’s a preview of this week’s content:

  • Our weekly ‘Editor’s Note’ by Collateral Global Editor-In-Chief and Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, Jay Bhattacharya, offers historical context for the current global crisis.
  • Jennie Bristow, Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Parenting Culture Studies at the University of Kent, revisits the article she wrote one year ago about the expected pandemic response – with the added benefit of hindsight – in ‘One Year On’.
  • In ‘What is a Rapid Review?’, University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Director, Carl Heneghan; John Brassey; and Tom Jefferson explain the benefits of rapid review as a research modality.
  • We conduct a personal interview with Collateral Global founder Alex Caccia about how Collateral Global came to be and his role in the organisation moving forward.
  • In our weekly Ethics Spot, Alberto Giubilini, Senior Research Fellow at Oxford’s Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, analyses ‘The Ethics and Language of Lockdowns’ and how they have shaped our response.
  • AJ Kay, narrative non-fiction writer, introduces our weekly Human Story spot with an explanation of ‘Why We Need Stories’ as well as the first installment in the series – ‘Olivia’s Story‘: an American college student’s experience with lockdown.

Our Science Unlocked series, written by the CG Research Team, consists of articles, explainers, and tools for making science more accessible. This week, we include:

  • Research Recap‘, in which we summarise a topic-relevant academic paper chosen by our Scientific Advisory Board, in a digestible, one-page format

Be sure to check out our Get Involved page, FAQs, and About Us sections, where you can find specifics about who we are, what we believe, and what we aim to accomplish.

Newsletters by week:
Week Two | Week Three