CG Newsletters

Week Three Newsletter

Here’s what you will find in CG Editions: Week Three – Elder Care

Welcome to CG Editions – Week Three: Elder Care

Older adults are at increased risk for severe outcomes and death from COVID-19, with individuals over 85 at greatest risk.

Care homes, specifically, have been hit hard, although the proportion of care home-related COVID-19 deaths to total COVID-19 deaths vary internationally (e.g. 32% in the US (despite accounting for only 4% of infections) to over 75% percent in Australia).

The most common solution has been to lock down these facilities to outside visitors to prevent introducing the virus into vulnerable communities.  However, what that approach failed to account for was residents’ very real social-emotional needs which are met by physical contact with loved ones – and how denying people that connection can also result in sickness and death

We explore this contradiction in this week’s issue of CG Editions.

And our CG Video production team presents two new films featuring:

  • Former NHS employee Jane Smith, who recounts her heartbreaking story of being separated from her mum – a care home resident – and describes her efforts to bring awareness to the injustice, as well as the cost to her own mental health, and
  • Julia Jones, co-founder of ‘John’s Campaign’ who talks about the cessation of visiting rights for care home residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and how (and why) the wishes of residents and their families need to be respected

As always, we invite you to check out our Get Involved page, FAQs, and About Us sections, where you can find specifics about who we are, what we believe, and what we aim to accomplish.  You can also follow us on Twitter.

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