Welcome to CG Editions – Week Two: Young People
Children worldwide have endured more than a year of devastating policies: lockdowns, school closures, repeated quarantines, and the removal of social supports and safety nets.
We are thrilled to welcome Professor Ellen Townsend as this week’s guest editor to help us explore how children and young adults have been impacted by the events of the last 14 months.
Ellen is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Nottingham who specialises in mental health, self-harm, and suicide prevention. Ellen’s original piece on the treatment of young people during the pandemic is sobering.
In Part Two of his six-part series, ‘Making Policy Better’, Paul Dolan outlines three critical considerations for ensuring fairness in resource allocation.
In our weekly Ethics Spot, Professor Alberto Giubilini explains how and why pandemic restrictions have been unfair to young people.
In our Research Recap, we break down how many children have been plunged into poverty, which – coupled with educational disruption – will take years off their lives.
The Childhood Trust has generously granted CG permission to republish their July 2020 analysis entitled, ‘Children in Lockdown’, as well as a powerful accompanying video, which describes these harms in detail.
Additional Week Two content includes Jay Bhattacharya’s editorial on the treatment of young people during the pandemic and a review of the plight of children in the developing world.
We are also thrilled to share two original short films by CG’s Media Production Team:
- Foster carer Dr. Linda O’Raw describes how COVID-19 mitigation measures have impacted Looked After Children in the foster care system, and
- Dr Jennie Bristow and her daughter, Emma Gilland, describe the impact that mitigation policies have had on today’s youth.

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Newsletters by week:
Week One | Week Three