Leadership and Policies during the Pandemic Angola
This conference is the first anywhere in the world to consider collectively the impacts of Covid suppression measures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. The conference brings together scholars from the health and social sciences who have been working on questions regarding education, gender, socioeconomic impacts and political economies related to the Covid response. While there has been much focus on these questions in High Income Countries, there has yet to be a sustained and inter-regional discussion from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. This conference addresses this disparity.
Watch more from the conference here.

About the Speaker

Nicolau Nkiawete Manuel holds a Ph.D. in teaching and learning from Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA. His research interests are in language planning and policy, education policy and leadership, Critical Literacy, Discourse Analysis and Language and identity, and English as a foreign language. His research focuses on the intercession between languages, discourse, and language ideology and power in society. In addition, his research aims to critically question language policy as a discursive act that engenders social hierarchy and linguistic marginalization and how the medium of instruction affects children’s opportunities in a society marked by profound social inequalities. He is Auxiliary Professor and the Chair of Research and Post-Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, Agostinho Neto University, Angola.
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