Labour Markets of India during a pandemic: Observations from ethnographic survey in cities of Lucknow and Pune
This conference is the first anywhere in the world to consider collectively the impacts of Covid suppression measures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. The conference brings together scholars from the health and social sciences who have been working on questions regarding education, gender, socioeconomic impacts and political economies related to the Covid response. While there has been much focus on these questions in High Income Countries, there has yet to be a sustained and inter-regional discussion from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. This conference addresses this disparity.
Watch more from the conference here.

About the Speaker

Deepanshu Mohan is Professor of Economics and Director, Centre for New Economics Studies (CNES), Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, O.P. Jindal Global University. He is a Visiting Professor to the School of International Development and Global Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Ottawa, Canada, He holds visiting positions for teaching and research at Carleton University (Ottawa); FGV (Brazil); Stellenbosch University (South Africa); Paragon University (Cambodia); City University (London, UK), to name a few. His academic research work intersects areas of development studies, political economy, political sociology, economic anthropology, public law and the history of macroeconomic thought.
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