Remote Teaching-2 weeks
On Friday, March 13th 2020, in CT, all teachers were instructed that we needed to teach remotely for 2 weeks to flatten the covid curve. All teachers, like myself, all students and all staff were confined to their homes for 2 weeks. We were to teach all of our classes remotely for the whole day in a Google meet. Because I teach 5 classes a day, I taught for 2 weeks to 20 children in each class on their computer screens for two weeks straight. The children like little square, muted boxes in my screen. At the end of the two weeks, we were told 2 more weeks of remote teaching was required to flatten the covid curve. These two week extensions went on until the third week of April where we were told we would be teaching the rest of the 2020 school year remotely. This happened in Plainville, CT. Children were home with no parents because they had to work at “essential” jobs, children were home with smaller siblings they had to take care of, children were home with parents but they were working, children were at family members houses because of quarantine issues. It was a complete nightmare for the children that I taught. Even the children with a parent home suffered a emotionally and socially at this time. All children suffered during this time and the suffering has nothing to do with what they learned or didn’t learn in my class. The lack of learning is nothing compared to what these children had to endure socially, emotionally and physically.